Help shape the future of the new Winsford Town Centre
Residents can help transform Winsford town centre by taking part in a community consultation which has just launched.
Responses to a consultation in 2019 played a part in the town being awarded £9.98 million from the Government’s Future High Streets Fund last December.
This, supported by £11 million of Council funding and our decision to purchase the shopping centre in 2018, means redevelopment of the town centre can now begin with a planning application being submitted this autumn and construction work expected to start in early 2022, if planning is approved.
Designs are still at an early stage, however, and some elements are undecided. Now is the time for residents to share their views so that the new town centre meets their needs.
We are asking for your views on what a new town square should offer, what type of public events should be held, what a new community building should provide, and what improvements should be made to parking and transport.
Councillor Richard Beacham, Cabinet Member for Inclusive Growth, Economy and Regeneration, said: “The Council bought Winsford Cross shopping centre because we wanted to improve it. We are now in the financial position to start work.
“We plan to deliver a more appropriate mix of retail and other culture and leisure uses, which will help the town centre recover and thrive in the post pandemic era.
“We want to understand residents’ views and perceptions on the proposals for Winsford Town Centre and find out what improvements are important to local people and businesses.
“We hope everyone who has a connection to Winsford gets involved and offers their views.
“The information and ideas we receive will help us put our final masterplan together before we submit a planning application.”
Take part in the community consultation by visiting the Participate Now website at:
Alternatively, you can write to: Winsford Town Centre Consultation, Wyvern House, The Drumber, Winsford, CW7 1AH. Email
Call the Council’s contact centre on 0300 123 8123 quoting ‘Winsford Town Centre Consultation’ to request a paper survey.
Paper copies of the survey are also available at Winsford Library and Work Zone in Wyvern House. Completed surveys can be returned to these sites or by using the freepost envelope provided.
Information will also be displayed in Winsford Cross Shopping Centre, Winsford Library and Work Zone.
The consultation ends in July 2021. We will inform residents of the feedback and final plans before a planning application is submitted.
The Council bought the town centre in February 2018 and, since then, has continued to invest in its future.